Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Sweet Sunday Morning

     This morning I experienced my first Zambian church service, and oh was it an experience. We showed up to the Lusaka homes early this morning and began the walk with the kids to their home church they attend every week. The entire walk there sweet Lisa had her arm wrapped around me, and we spent the walk just enjoying each other’s company and getting to know each other better. Our precious time together included her telling me everything from her favorite subjects and what she was learning in school to making me guess the English words for Nyanja, naturally attached with lots and lots of laughter. Upon arriving at the church we were greeted so warmly, and welcomed in as part of the church family immediately. I loved being able to worship alongside my new friends, despite the language barrier, knowing we were worshipping and serving the same God. I am constantly amazed and blown away with the way the people here go before our God in prayer and thanksgiving. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced before, and they have a faith that is so sound and assured despite the lack of what they have. I think what the pastor this morning explained it so well as he declared, “Worship does not depend on what we have or do not have.” What a simple concept that we all know, but so easily forget in getting consumed by the things we do have in the materialistic culture we live in.
     About four hours (yes the service really was that long) after the church service started and after meeting lots and lots of new and welcoming faces, we were finally ready to make the trek back toward the houses with even more kids than we came with. As we walked down the same dirt roads these kids walk every day, through the streets and markets and back alleyways, I paused for a moment to take it all in. These are the moments I never want to forget. Walking arm in arm between Clement and Lisa, with all of our friends surrounding us. The sound of laughter and so much joy filling each of these kids’ faces as we walked them home. This is exactly where I want to be. I don’t ever want to leave.

1 comment:

  1. You will never forget that... I promise! Sometimes when I'm driving I get a flashback of driving the car with the staff and imagine myself turning down another crazy pot holed road listening to their laughter and conversation.

    The beautiful thing is like Mary treasuring things in her heart you will treasure these memories.
